lherbemuse: Oil-free roasted fries

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lherbemuse: “Oil-free roasted fries ”


Oil-free roasted fries

(via aveganmermaid)

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naturallynina: Dessert for breakfast???✨ do you prefer a sweet…

Dessert for breakfast???✨ do you prefer a sweet or savoury breakfast??
I’m a sweet and fruity gal at heart? in fact, I can’t even remember the last time I had a savoury breakfast. There’s just something about starting my day with fruit-filled porridge + smoothie bowls that makes me feel AMAZING?
And this breakfast bowl was no different: creamy vanilla brown rice porridge (recipe from my blog!), topped with fresh strawberries, kiwi fruit, Greek soy yogurt, almonds + cacao nibs???
What did you have today??

IG: @naturally_nina_

4fitnesssake:I love this post. Leo Tolstoy (I believe is the…


I love this post.
Leo Tolstoy (I believe is the writer) who writes about pain bodies.
Individuals who set out to inflict emotional pain on others or to just make nasty remarks and ruin your day have a large pain body. This pain body comes from being hurt and insecurities. It is fed by inflicting this hurt and these insecurities on others.
When someone’s pain body attacks you, don’t retaliate. Just ignore it and move on. Accept that this person is dealing with something you can’t see and just be kind.