made this #rawvegan local berry & maple syrup ? from…

made this #rawvegan local berry & maple syrup ? from @youngonrawfood’s cookbook ?? Mimi Kirk and @enzyme.333 have really inspired me to go (mainly) raw vegan❤️ filling my body with whole raw foods and eating for the sake of my health and wellbeing, makes me live and perform at my best?
Healthy eating and exercising should never be viewed for “weight loss” as the main focus. Weight loss is just a side effect of an already healthy lifestyle! Really wish when i first started my journey that HEALTH was always the main focus! Since healing from mental health issues, it has really changed my outlook. Focusing on HEALTH makes the worlds difference. I was only 13 though when i first started my journey haha.
Been working hard on putting together my own cookbook of (regular, not solely raw) plantbased foods and it will be ready for download next month 🙂 x *ps I have already been vegan/plantbased for 3 years ❤️

My transformation ?? if anyone is interested in my fitness…

I’d like to thank everyone for your positive messages 🙏 Body confidence took me years to find. I was severely overweight and depressed and starved myself to lose over 112 lbs in just shy of a year. When I started eating properly again, I gained more...

I’d like to thank everyone for your positive messages ? Body confidence took me years to find. I was severely overweight and depressed and starved myself to lose over 112 lbs in just shy of a year. When I started eating properly again, I gained more and more weight. I vowed myself that I would never do that to my body again and promised that even if there are things I don’t like about myself, I’m going to accept them because every part of me makes me who I am, even the parts I’m not happy with ❤❤❤