Earwax Buildup is caused by oil that develops in your ear canal. This oily wax protects your ear from dust, bacteria, and other foreign substances that can enter the ear. Sometimes, your glands produce more wax than necessary. Instead of emerging from the ear canal naturally, it hardens. If you attempt to clean your ears, you can push the earwax deeper into the canal, causing more earwax buildup and a potential blockage.
Earwax Buildup and Blockage
If you notice the signs and symptoms of earwax blockage, talk to your doctor. The signs and symptoms could indicate another condition. You may think you can manage earwax on your own, but there’s no way to tell if you have excessive earwax without having somebody, generally, your physician, look in your ears.
Signs and symptoms, such as ear pain or decreased hearing, don’t necessarily mean you have earwax. You may have another medical condition affecting your ears that needs to be treated.
We say that earwax is involved when it has accumulated in the ear canal to the point that there are signs that something is wrong. It’s important to know that ears never need to be cleaned for most people – they are designed to clean themselves.
Earwax buildup and blockages often occur when people use cotton swabs or hairpins to clean their ears. This only pushes the earwax further into the ears and can also cause injury to the ear.
Causes of earwax buildup

Cotton swabs. The use of cotton swabs usually causes earwax buildup. They push the earwax back in and solidify it. Fingers. A few children (maybe 5%) typically produce more earwax than others. It usually comes out if not pushed back in my fingers. Earplugs. Wearing earplugs of any kind can also push back earwax.
Your doctor may remove excess earwax with a small, curved instrument called a curette or by suction during an ear inspection. If earwax is a recurring problem, your doctor may recommend that you use an earwax removal medication, such as carbamide peroxide (Debrox Earwax Removal Kit, Murine Earwax Removal System). Because these drops can irritate the eardrum and ear canal’s sensitive skin, use them only as directed.
How to safely clean your child’s ears:
A moderate amount of earwax is healthy, so cleaning the ears is usually not necessary. However, if your child’s ears are accumulating wax in the ear canal, you must know how to clean his or her ears safely. Everyone has earwax, but some people notice it in their ears – or in their children’s ears – more than others.
Signs and symptoms of earwax buildup
The buildup of earwax can lead to infection. If you frequently suffer from ear infections or a disease’s symptoms, you should see a doctor to determine if earwax buildup is the cause.
Indications of an ear infection consist of serious discomfort in the ear that might or may not go away, visible discharge from the ear, hearing loss, an odor coming from the ear, coughing, fever, or dizziness.
Earwax buildup can be uncomfortable and cause sudden or partial hearing loss (usually temporary). Other symptoms include ear pain, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and ringing or buzzing. Earwax buildup can also lead to infection.
Signs of infection include severe or persistent pain in the ear, discharge from the ear, hearing loss, dizziness, fever, cough, and an odor coming from the ear. If you have symptoms of an ear infection, you should see a doctor and seek treatment.
Are you feeling slight discomfort in your ear? Some signs can reveal if you have a buildup of earwax. It is advisable to clean your ears so that you can take care of your well-being and hearing. Earwax is a natural body mechanism formed to protect your ear canals and prevent any infection from entering the area.
However, when it is created in excess, you can experience some discomfort that is easily treatable. In this Onehowto article, we’ll explain how to know if you have earwax buildup by telling you a few of the most evident symptoms of this condition so you can clean it naturally.
How to get rid of excess earwax
It would be best if you don’t try to dig out earwax deposits yourself. However, you can often get rid of excess earwax yourself. Years ago, my doctor recommended a procedure using olive oil and warm water to remove a buildup of earwax at home safely. When I suspect that earwax has accumulated, I get out my equipment:
- an eyedropper
- a hand-held onion syringe
- a little olive oil
I sterilize the eyedropper and syringe in boiling water, heat (to skin temperature) some oil on the stove, and use the eyedropper to put a few drops of the heated oil in each ear, tilting my head to the side so the oil can flow into the ear canal.
It is very tempting to treat earwax buildup at home, but we want to issue a word of caution. Please don’t try any home remedies to remove earwax. The best way to ensure your ears’ safety is to have a specialist examine your earwax deposits and determine the best treatment method. People do not need to visit a doctor frequently for the treatment of excessive earwax buildup.
Cleaning once a year at the doctor’s office should be sufficient to maintain ear health and proper earwax balance. If you have frequent earwax buildup, it is vital to see a doctor to ensure no underlying condition requires to be identified and treated.
If excessive earwax isn’t causing you any problems – pain, decreased hearing, or any of the other issues mentioned above – you can leave it alone. For many people, however, removing earwax is part of their regular hygiene routine. And some standard removal methods – like using cotton swabs or ear candles – can harm, but no good. If you wish to get rid of some of your earwax, here’s what you should consider.
Warning about ear candles
Do not clean your ears with hairpins, twisted napkin corners, or other long pointed objects. Do not insert cotton balls into the ear canal. They will only push the earwax deeper into the ear canal and cause a blockage. Do not use ear candles. The Food and Drug Administration issued a public warning in 2010 that using ear candles can cause serious injury.
The recent craze of ear candles is quite disturbing. Ear candles are marketed and sold to treat earwax buildup by removing earwax from the ears. Ear candling involves inserting a burning hollow candle into the ear to believe that the suction created by the lit candle will draw earwax out of the ear canal. These candles can cause injury to the ear and face, including.
Earwax in older adults
You may be at increased risk if you:
- You have a health condition that may cause increased earwax formation, such as eczema.
- You also increase your risk if you constantly put objects in your ear, such as a hearing aid
- Older adults and people with thinking disorders (cognitive problems) also have an increased
Although earwax serves a beneficial function, it can occasionally cause problems, most likely in the form of earwax blockage. This condition occurs in 1 in 10 children, 1 in 20 adults, and 1 in 3 older adults. Earwax blockage is typically caused by excessive production or improper cleaning of earwax. Remarkably, the most common cause of blockage is improper removal of earwax.
The use of foreign objects often pushes it deeper into the ear instead of flushing it out. Extensive headphones use to listen to music can also trigger earwax buildup, as the headphones can typically prevent the wax from falling out of the ear canal.
When earwax accumulates in the ear canal over a long period, the color gradually begins to darken. The longer the earwax stagnates, the darker the color becomes. According to some studies on earwax accumulation, older adults and men are more likely to be affected by earwax accumulation over time.
The older you get, the more chance that you will also develop dark earwax. This is because older people tend to have drier ears, which don’t hold earwax as quickly. This means that the accumulation can be more substantial. Black earwax can affect anyone, regardless of where you are from or where you come from. Usually, discolored earwax is the result of some of the following things.
How to remove earwax at home
People who use hearing aids or headphones are also more prone to earwax buildup, as these devices can block the exit of earwax from the ear canal. Consult With Us before attempting to remove earwax at home, as you do not want to cause further damage to your ear. Using a cotton bud or other objects to get rid of earwax can push it further into the ear canal.
In some cases, your doctor may send patients home with an earwax removal kit. Earwax removal kits can also be purchased over-the-counter at most drugstores. These kits usually consist of a liquid that softens earwax and a small rubber ball syringe.
You are given instructions on how often to apply the liquid to your ear canals and leave it in your ears for a while to soften the wax. Bubbling and fizzy sensations in your ears are normal during application.
Then, gently rinse your ears with warm water using the bucket syringe to remove the earwax. It may take several days for your ear to become plugged entirely with earwax.
Earwax can be eliminated in numerous methods; a few of these techniques can be done in your home. Cleaning the outside of the ear by wiping it with a cloth and placing cerumenolytic solutions (solutions to dissolve wax) in the ear.
These solutions include baby oil, mineral oil, glycerin, peroxide-based ear drops (such as debrox®), hydrogen peroxide, and saline. Irrigating or spraying the ear. This involves flushing out the ear canal with a syringe of water or saline, usually after the earwax has been softened or dissolved by a cerumenolytic.
Should you use ear candles?
Ear candles are sold as an easy solution for people who want to get rid of their earwax. This technique involves inserting a lighted, hollow, cone-shaped candle made of beeswax into the ear.
This is supposed to draw the wax and other impurities out of the ear. However, as Gabriel discovered, after the candle is lit, a waxy deposit can be found in the center, even if the candle was not near an ear. Instead, the wax has come from inside the candle itself.
Remove the wax manually with special instruments. This should only be attempted by a physician who can use a cerumen spoon, forceps, or suction. Note: Irrigation should not be performed by or on individuals who have or suspect they have a perforation (hole) in the eardrum or tubes in the affected ear(s).
Readily available suction devices for home use (such as wax-vac) are not practical for most people and are therefore not recommended. Ear candles, which are touted as a natural way to remove earwax, are not only ineffective but can also cause injury to the ear. Injuries include burns to the pinna and ear canal and perforation of the eardrum.
Do not insert objects smaller than your elbow into the ear canal. Also, never put anything in your ears to remove earwax – including cotton swabs and candles. Use a damp cloth to wipe the outer part of your ear and remove earwax. If the audiologist recommends it, you can use a home rinse. Do not apply pressure when rinsing your ears, and use only an irrigation kit recommended by the audiologist.
What Is Earwax Buildup?
Earwax buildup can cause temporary reduced hearing and can cause pain in the ear, earache, or infection. If you notice earwax buildup, contact Dr. White. He can remove the earwax with a unique instrument in a short and painless procedure. Depending on your circumstances, Dr. White may also prescribe prescription ear drops or use ear irrigation equipment to flush the ear canal.
Earwax buildup can happen to anyone but it is more likely to occur in:
- People who use hearing aids or earplugs.
- People who put cotton swabs or other objects in their ears
- People with developmental disabilities
- People with ear canals are shaped in a way that interferes with natural earwax drainage.
When it comes to comprehensive ear cleaning, you should trust your hearing care professional with this task. While a light cleaning of your ears while at home is fine, if you have earwax buildup or other hearing problems, your hearing healthcare professional can not only treat your issues but also determine the cause.
When to Seek Medical Care for Earwax
Objects or insects in the ear can be brought into the ear by the patient or by an insect crawling into the ear. Earwax can also cause ear problems if cotton swabs are used too often to clean the ears. Symptoms of an object blocking the ear include inflammation and tenderness, redness, or discharge of pus or blood. When to see a doctor about an object or insect in the ear is included in the article information.
This content is accurate and true to the best of our knowledge. It is not a substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or nutritional advice from a licensed physician. Medications, supplements, and natural remedies can have dangerous side effects. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek help immediately if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
Ears are designed to clean themselves, so most people do not need to clean them manually. If you try to remove earwax with cotton swabs or hairpins, you are at a higher risk of earwax impaction. About 12 million people in the United States seek medical help for this condition each year. Other contributing factors may include:
A bony blockage, such as an osteoma.
Earwax Treatment and Self-Care at Home
There are several safe, natural ways to remove earwax at home; however, treatment by a doctor or other medical professional may still be necessary.
Home cerumen treatments are not uncommon, and many of the above treatments are available over-the-counter alone or in-ear wax removal kits. Cotton earplugs are not associated with cerumen impaction, but they have been associated with impaction and otitis externa and should be avoided.
Ear candling should also be avoided. Ear candling involves inserting a hollow candle into the external auditory canal and lighting it, with the patient lying on the opposite ear. In theory, the combination of heat and suction should remove earwax. However, in one study, ear candles did not produce suction or remove earwax and resulted in candle wax blockage in individuals who previously had clean ear canals.
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