Welcome to ShelleySicFit! My page for fitness updates, workout tips/plans, nutrition tips/plans, fashion updates, new photo shoots and fun! Please feel free to ask questions (I’ll answer everything I can) and submit success images (before/after). …
Alice Matos #alicematos #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation…
Alice Matos #alicematos #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #hardbody #womenwithabs #girlswholift #womenwhosquat #godess
charlottewinslowfitness: I’m literally the palest girl around…
I’m literally the palest girl around ?❤️
Send me an ask with your current weight, goal weight, and height, and I will tell you how long it will take for you to reach your goal with my One Month Makeover and Booty Booster ebooks! ? http://charlottewinslowfitness.tumblr.com/ask
Facial difference after a while of some ups and downs with…

Facial difference after a while of some ups and downs with weight loss 🙂
Around 74kg in the first pic, taken when I was 14 and before I started exercising and eating healthy. 5 days before my 15th birthday I decided to change and lost about 15 kilos in 5 months, then another 3-5 kilos in the following months. I’ve been gaining some back over the years and need some more motivation to lose it again! Second pic was taken at around 64kg.
Age: 18
Height: 168cm
Highest weight: 76kg
Lowest weight: 57kg
Current: 63kg
Goal: 55kg
Sue Lasmar @suelasmarofficial
Sue Lasmar @suelasmarofficial
Teen girl power (19 years old)
Teen girl power (19 years old)
Happy Hump Day!!! I have to say I’m pretty damn proud to still…
Happy Hump Day!!! I have to say I’m pretty damn proud to still look like this at 30 weeks. I’ve gained about 22 lbs so far and there’s still a tiny gap left. haha Everyone knows I’ll be working hard to get that back after delivery. How am I doing for 30 weeks? XOXO
Fabi Martinez #fabimartinez #fitness #hardbody #girlswholift…
Fabi Martinez #fabimartinez #fitness #hardbody #girlswholift #womenwithabs #underboob #boobs #tight
Hi everyone My story of going from 222 lbs(101kg) to 167…

Hi everyone
My story of going from 222 lbs(101kg) to 167 lbs(76kg) in about 7 months through an strict diet , deleting junk foods and fast walking 5-6 days of week (2 hours each day) and in 7th month doing some HIIT too.
Then I started my bodybuilding journey, and now I’m in my 7th month of it and not planning on stopping…
I’m 20 years old, 5’7(175cm) and currently weighting about 170lbs(77.5kg)
You may ask about whether or not I have loose skin and the answer is yes, but not sth that hangs or being gross , I have stretch marks too.
Because I lost weight in a steady pace and not too fast, I don’t have too much loose skin. Also keeping your body hydrated is extremely important.
I will be happy to know your opinions on my body 🙂
Good luck