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Weight Lifting: The Basics

Weight Lifting: The Basics


Weight Lifting: The Basics

For a lot of us, crossing into the weights section of the gym can be pretty intimidating. I always wanted to start strength training, but I had no clue how/where to start. I was worried about being…

(Source: 4fitnesssake, via in-pursuit-of-fitness)

Weight lifting exercise workout weights

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charlottewinslowfitness: flawlesslaughter submitted:Week one to…


flawlesslaughter submitted:

Week one to the beginning of week 3! ❤️ so so happy and feeling better each day, not just physically but mentally. I’m so happy! ? (all the phases of Nike pros! Lol)

Can I say OH MY GOD HOLY SH*T ??? you are doing SO amazing with my One Month Makeover I am honestly sooooo proud of you and amazed wow!!!!!keep up the hard work, I’m so glad you’re loving the plan 🙂

Find out more about the One Month Makeover she’s using HERE