From awkward to well….. still awkward but awkward and CONFIDENT….

From awkward to well….. still awkward but awkward and CONFIDENT.
I’ve always battled with my self esteem growing up, i was constantly comparing myself to others and doubting myself. I hated all of my flaws, constantly trying to hide my “big forehead” and my “ugly skin”.
I got so caught up in trying to look like the perfect pretty models in the magazines, i spent so long trying to do my hair just right to hide my blemishes and my make up to make my nose look smaller. All of that work just to go out and be so paranoid about what people around me thought of me.
Now i can honestly say i am happy with myself, it took time and i definetly had some rough days where i didnt even want to leave the house because i had a bad breakout or i just felt really insecure, but i learned to love and accept my imperfections. I changed the level of importance i put on appearance and changed my outlook on the meaning of “beauty”. ▪▪▪▪
To any girls who struggle with their self esteem just remember we all have things we are insecure about, but dont waste time trying to change who you are. Change your mindset, learn to love your flaws because they make you YOU, and you are perfectly and wonderfully made.
Strut your stuff confidentially ladies ??

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