Eat More, Not Less – smaller frequent meals, rather than one or two huge meals!
Drink More Water!!
Remember to Snack (healthy) throughout the day.
Don’t drink too much with your meals. Drink water 20-30 minutes before you eat instead.
Eat soup first. This can help reduce the amount of food you eat because it will make you feel full faster
Keep Moving, stay active and exercise
Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry! (you end up buying food that you’ll never eat anyways)
Always be prepared, carry healthy snacks etc.
Eat Breakfast. This will start your metabolism! Skipping breakfast can slow it down.
Eat Regularly! Meaning have a regular schedule of when you eat.
Fruits & Veggies!!!! 😀
Cut out soda! (COMPLETELY!!!)
Eat when you’re calm.
THROW OUT YOUR SCALE, don’t let the number on a scale discourage or overwhelm you. Focus on your health, not your weight! You are not defined by the number on a scale
Remember, it’s a healthy lifestyle, not a diet! (10%-20% Cheat meals/food etc. in moderation is always okay!)