You don’t have to be best friends with everybody.

This isn’t a post that says it’s okay to be an a-hole because most of the time, it’s not okay.

We’re all different. We all want different things in friendships. You don’t have to be best friends with everyone. I have a coworker who is one of those people who feels like she needs to be friends with everyone, no matter what. If she isn’t, for whatever reason, it really upsets her. She’s not upset because she’s genuinely yearning for a friendship with that person – she just feels obligated. 

She spends a decent amount of time trying to mold people into who she would want as friends – it’s not to better the other person or to help with work. It’s to fulfill this duty she created for herself. 

This obligation that she put upon herself makes her upset more than it makes her happy. And to be honest, it doesn’t make other people happy either. We all have different, great personalities that don’t need to be changed. Friendships should definitely make you happy more often than not. 

You can be nice to people and be yourself at the same time. You’re not going to be best friends with everyone. You can get along and work together and sometimes that’s as far as the relationship will go. That’s okay! 

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